For Santoor, tombak, Sarangui, electric guitar, chalumeau, percussions and electronics
Alternative soundtrack for Paradjanov’s masterpiece The Color of the Pomegranate.
The movie depicts the spiritual transformation of an armenian poet, Sayat Nova who lived in the Caucasus in the 18th century. The images are like surrealist paintings, moving symbolic landscapes filled with armenian visual elements.
Working on this movie meant a lot for me. It adresses the relationship diasporas can have with their « motherland’s » culture while living in globalized societies. I gathered musicians playing traditional instruments like duduk, tombak or sarangi, processing and blending them with real-time software effects. A mix between abstract and traditional sounds and structures.
Commission for Sauce festival
Presented at Spoutnik Cinema
March 2019, Geneva
⩥ Chroniques Urbaines Soundwalks, trilogy. Collaboration with writers E. Destremau, A. Jacoud and O. Csiky Trnka @Antigel Festival
[CH] 03-16-17-18.02.24
⩥ Horizon Vert Soundwalk, with Fabrice Melquiot (text) and CFPNE Lullier @Antigel Festival
[CH] 09-10.02.24
⩥ Exhibition @Byurakan Bakery [AM] 12.10.23
⩥ Research trip residency @Byurakan [AM] sept-oct 23
⩥ fiber optics colletive exhibition @Akademie der Küste, Berlin [DE]
⩥ sound installation for Severin Guelpa’s exhibition Tremblement @Les Halles, Porrentruy [CH] 23.04 - 25.06
⩥ walking sonic fiction @HyperOuest Festival, Lausanne [CH] 27.04-07.05
⩥ soundwalk / performance @ANTIGEL festival, Geneva [CH] 8-9.02
⩥ workshop @ l’Abri with On Land Collective, Geneva [CH] / 14-16.12
⩥ residency and performance, ROTA festival (AADK)
Murcia [SP] /06.12-13.12
⩥ exhibition, Mapping festival
Geneva [CH] /3-13.11
⩥ nomination ARD german radiophonic creation prize
ZKM Karlsruhe [DE] /12.11
⩥ performance @Arkaoda
Berlin [DE] /22.10
⩥ creative radio performance, Cashmere radio
Berlin [DE] / 22.07
⩥ performance, Belluard Bollwerk
Fribourg [CH] /28.06
⩥ residency, Atlas
Brussel [BEL] /26.05-6.06
⩥ residency and performance, AADK
Blanca [SP] /07.03-06.04
⩥ residency, Paris Herouni telescope
Orgov [ARM] /29.01-28.02