
⩥ Chroniques Urbaines Soundwalks, trilogy. Collaboration with writers E. Destremau, A. Jacoud and O. Csiky Trnka @Antigel Festival
[CH] 03-16-17-18.02.24

Horizon Vert Soundwalk, with Fabrice Melquiot (text) and CFPNE Lullier @Antigel Festival
[CH] 09-10.02.24

⩥ Exhibition @Byurakan Bakery [AM] 12.10.23

⩥ Research trip residency @Byurakan [AM] sept-oct 23

fiber optics colletive exhibition @Akademie der Küste, Berlin [DE]
⩥ sound installation for Severin Guelpa’s exhibition Tremblement @Les Halles, Porrentruy [CH] 23.04 - 25.06

walking sonic fiction @HyperOuest Festival, Lausanne [CH] 27.04-07.05

soundwalk / performance @ANTIGEL festival, Geneva [CH] 8-9.02

⩥ workshop @ l’Abri with On Land Collective, Geneva [CH] / 14-16.12
⩥ residency and performance, ROTA festival (AADK)
Murcia [SP] /06.12-13.12

⩥ exhibition, Mapping festival
Geneva [CH] /3-13.11

⩥ nomination ARD german radiophonic creation prize
ZKM Karlsruhe [DE] /12.11

⩥ performance @Arkaoda
Berlin [DE] /22.10

⩥ creative radio performance, Cashmere radio
Berlin [DE] / 22.07

⩥ performance, Belluard Bollwerk
Fribourg [CH] /28.06

⩥ residency, Atlas
Brussel [BEL] /26.05-6.06

⩥ residency and performance, AADK
Blanca [SP] /07.03-06.04

⩥ residency, Paris Herouni telescope
Orgov [ARM] /29.01-28.02